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'''userIndex''' Is the index of the signed-in gamer associated with a local controller port. Range[0, 3].
'''userIndex''' Is the index of the signed-in gamer associated with a local controller port. Range[0, 3].
| UserAwardGamerPicture || X360Core.UserAwardGamerPicture || public static void UserAwardGamerPicture(uint userIndex, uint pictureId); || Awards the user with a gamer picture.
| UserAwardGamerPicture || X360Core.UserAwardGamerPicture || public static void UserAwardGamerPicture(uint userIndex, uint pictureId); || Awards the user with a gamer picture. || '''userIndex''' Is the index of the signed-in gamer associated with a local controller port. Range[0, 3].  Pictures must be added to the game configuration with '''XLAST'''.
|} || '''userIndex''' Is the index of the signed-in gamer associated with a local controller port. Range[0, 3].  Pictures must be added to the game configuration with '''XLAST'''.

Revision as of 07:52, 8 June 2020


Core Xbox 360 services.

Static Variables

Variable String Type Description
OnControllerStateChange X360Core.OnControllerStateChange public static X360Core.BasicDelegateController OnControllerStateChange; Callback activated if a controller is connected or disconnected.
OnQuit X360Core.OnQuit public static X360Core.BasicDelegateQuit OnQuit; Callback activated right before the application terminates.
OnSystemUIVisibilityChange X360Core.OnSystemUIVisibilityChange public static X360Core.BasicDelegate OnSystemUIVisibilityChange; Callback activated when system UI is shown or hidden.
OnUserStateChange X360Core.OnUserStateChange public static X360Core.BasicDelegate OnUserStateChange; Callback activated if a user signs in or signs out.

Static Functions

Variable String Type Description
DebugConfigureForcedSwap X360Core.DebugConfigureForcedSwap public static void DebugConfigureForcedSwap(bool enableSwap, bool enableFullscreenVideoUpdate); DEBUG: Configure forced swap (TCR 022).
DebugEnableD3DBlockCallback X360Core.DebugEnableD3DBlockCallback public static void DebugEnableD3DBlockCallback(bool enabled); DEBUG: Enable D3D block callback.
DebugGetGCMemorySize X360Core.DebugGetGCMemorySize public static int DebugGetGCMemorySize(); DEBUG: Get garbage collected memory size.
DebugGetGCMemoryUsed X360Core.DebugGetGCMemoryUsed public static int DebugGetGCMemoryUsed(); DEBUG: Get garbage collected memory used.
EnableNuiSystemDialogMode X360Core.EnableNuiSystemDialogMode public static void EnableNuiSystemDialogMode(bool enabled); Enables Natural User Interface mode for system dialogs. No effect if Kinect is disabled. Calling this function will reset the skeleton tracking id. Call SetNuiSystemDialogTrackingId to select an active skeleton.
EnablePersistDisplayOnQuit X360Core.EnablePersistDisplayOnQuit public static void EnablePersistDisplayOnQuit(bool enabled); Persist last rendered frame on quit. See IDirect3DDevice9::PersistDisplay.
GetPlayerGamerPicture X360Core.GetPlayerGamerPicture public static Texture2D GetPlayerGamerPicture(uint userIndex, X360PlayerId playerId, bool small); Gets the gamer picture of any player. userIndex Is the index of the signed-in gamer associated with a local controller port. Range[0, 3]. userIndex must have read permissions for the profile of playerId. Note: a new texture is created each time this function is called.
GetRawTexture X360Core.GetRawTexture public static IntPtr GetRawTexture(Texture texture); Gets a pointer to IDirect3DBaseTexture9 for a given texture.
GetTotalOnlineUsers X360Core.GetTotalOnlineUsers public static int GetTotalOnlineUsers(); Gets the total number of users currently signed in with Live! connectivity. int Total number of of users currently signed into Xbox LIVE.
GetTotalSignedInUsers X360Core.GetTotalSignedInUsers public static int GetTotalSignedInUsers(); Gets the total number of users currently signed in. int Total number of of users currently signed in (local and Xbox LIVE).
GetUserGamerPicture X360Core.GetUserGamerPicture public static Texture2D GetUserGamerPicture(uint userIndex, bool small); Gets the gamer picture of a local user. userIndex Is the index of the signed-in gamer associated with a local controller port. Range[0, 3].
GetUserLocalPlayerId X360Core.GetUserLocalPlayerId public static X360PlayerId GetUserLocalPlayerId(uint userIndex); Gets the local player id of a signed in user. userIndex Is the index of the signed-in gamer associated with a local controller port. Range[0, 3]. X360PlayerId Returns an invalid X360PlayerId if the specified user is not signed in.
GetUserName X360Core.GetUserName public static string GetUserName(uint userIndex); Gets the local user name. userIndex Is the index of the signed-in gamer associated with a local controller port. Range[0, 3]. string Returns an empty string, if user is not signed in.
GetUserOnlinePlayerId X360Core.GetUserOnlinePlayerId public static X360PlayerId GetUserOnlinePlayerId(uint userIndex); Gets the online player id of a signed in user. userIndex Is the index of the signed-in gamer associated with a local controller port. Range[0, 3]. X360PlayerId Returns an invalid X360PlayerId if the specified user is not signed in with Live! connectivity.
GetUserPrivilegeLevel X360Core.GetUserPrivilegeLevel public static X360PlayerPrivilegeLevel GetUserPrivilegeLevel(uint userIndex, X360PlayerPrivilegeType type); Gets the privilege level of a local user. userIndex Is the index of the signed-in gamer associated with a local controller port. Range[0, 3]. type Is the service (eg. user created content) to query permissions. X360PlayerPrivilegeLevel Returns the privilege level for the specified \type\.
IsSystemUIVisible X360Core.IsSystemUIVisible public static bool IsSystemUIVisible(); Checks if system UI is visible.
IsUserSignedIn X360Core.IsUserSignedIn public static bool IsUserSignedIn(uint userIndex, bool onlineOnly); Checks if user is signed in. userIndex Is the index of the signed-in gamer associated with a local controller port. Range[0, 3]. onlineOnly Set to true to require Live! connectivity. bool Signed in state of the specified user.
RequestSignIn X360Core.RequestSignIn public static void RequestSignIn(uint minUsers, uint maxUsers, bool requireOnline); Shows the sign-in dialog if the number of currently signed-in players is not within the specified range. minUsers Is the minimum number of required users [smaller than or equal to maxUsers param]. maxUsers Is the maximum number of required users [greater than or equal to minUsers param] and [Range 1,3]. requireOnline States if the users must be signed into Xbox LIVE (silver or gold).
SetControllerVibration X360Core.SetControllerVibration public static bool SetControllerVibration(uint userIndex, float leftMotor, float rightMotor); Enable controller vibration. userIndex Is the index of the signed-in gamer associated with a local controller port. Range[0, 3]. leftMotor and rightMotor must be in the range of [0; 1].
SetNuiSystemDialogTrackingId X360Core.SetNuiSystemDialogTrackingId public static void SetNuiSystemDialogTrackingId(uint trackingId); Sets the skeleton tracking id of the locally signed-in player who will be in control of the dialogs. Set trackingId to zero to require players to wave before using a dialog.
SetProcessorAffinity X360Core.SetProcessorAffinity public static void SetProcessorAffinity(int cpus); Sets the cpu processor affinity for the current thread. This function will not operate on MainTread cpus 0 is Core 0 Hardware Thread 0 1 is Core 0 Hardware Thread 1 2 is Core 1 Hardware Thread 0 3 is Core 1 Hardware Thread 1 4 is Core 2 Hardware Thread 0 5 is Core 2 Hardware Thread 1.
ShowGamerCard X360Core.ShowGamerCard public static void ShowGamerCard(uint userIndex, X360PlayerId playerId); Displays a gamer card.

userIndex Is the index of the signed-in gamer associated with a local controller port. Range[0, 3].

UserAwardGamerPicture X360Core.UserAwardGamerPicture public static void UserAwardGamerPicture(uint userIndex, uint pictureId); Awards the user with a gamer picture. userIndex Is the index of the signed-in gamer associated with a local controller port. Range[0, 3]. Pictures must be added to the game configuration with XLAST.


Delegates String Type Description
BasicDelegate Example Example X360Core delegate type.
BasicDelegateController Example Example X360Core delegate type.